

  Please read the terms&conditions carefully!

1. To reserve the apartment, a deposit payment of 25% (or 100% depends of the booking - see also www.sleepintallinn.com section Availability&booking) of the total rental amount is due. Once received by the OWNER, the apartment is considered “booked”. The OWNER will send a confirmation and this is the formal acceptance at the time of the booking.
2. The balance payment (75% or other, see clause 1) is payable upon check-in. This payment together with the deposit payment and the safety deposit (as defined in clause 4) confirm the rental period. In the event that the TENANT should cancel the booking, his/her deposit payment is fully refundable up to 2 months prior to the intended Arrival date. Bank fees will also be deducted from the deposit payment prior any reimbursement.
3. Cancellation by the TENANT:
In case of cancellation after acceptance of the booking, the following conditions will be applied:
- 100 % refund up to 2 months prior to the Arrival date.
- 50 % refund up to 1 month prior to the Arrival date.
- 0 % refund - less than a month prior to arrival. No refund will be possible.

Interrupted stay: In case the TENANT leaves before the agreed date of Departure, and if the responsibility of the OWNER is not at issue, no refund of the rental amount will be possible. The safety deposit will be returned to the TENANT provided that no damages are noted during the inventory upon check-out. In the case of a "no show" of the TENANT on the agreed Arrival date, and without any notification from the TENANT within the next 12 hours: The contract will be considered as cancelled, The OWNER will keep the deposit payment, The OWNER reserves her right to rent the apartment to someone else.

4. A safety deposit will be asked upon check-in.
The TENANT is responsible for all damages to the apartment including the common and private parts of the building and caused by the TENANT, the members of his/her group, or their guests.
This safety deposit should be made in cash. If nothing is noted during the inventory period, the safety deposit will be returned to the TENANT upon checking out. If damages are noted, the safety deposit will be forwarded to the TENANT within 2 months, after deduction of repairs/replacement costs or supplementary cleaning resulting from an insufficient state of cleanliness.
Damages include any lost or missing keys to the apartment. In both cases, the OWNER will change the apartment door lock and the TENANT will be billed.
If the safety deposit is insufficient, the TENANT undertakes to pay the additional costs before his/her departure.
5. The TENANT is strongly recommended to take out a comprehensive travel insurance policy covering cancellation costs, medical expenses, public liability and all personal effects. The OWNER’s insurance does not cover these.
6. Unless otherwise agreed, the rental period starts at 15.00 on the Arrival date and ends at 12am on the Departure date.
7. The maximum number of occupiers residing in the apartment must not exceed the number stated on booking. Parties may be not hosted in apartments.
8. The TENANT shall behave in a civil manner, refraining from loud noise and unruly behavior which may disturb other people. Should the TENANT or his/her party behave in an indecent or incorrect manner, the OWNER may ask the tenants to vacate the apartment. Time from 23.00-07.00 is the time for rest.
9. The TENANT shall report to the OWNER, without delay, any defects in the apartment, any breakdown in the equipment, machinery or appliances. Arrangements for repair or replacement shall be made as soon as possible by the OWNER.
10. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the apartment.
11. The OWNER is not liable for:
• temporary defect or stoppage in the supply of public services to the apartment, or in respect of any equipment, plant, machinery or appliance in the apartment.
• loss, damage or injury resulting from weather conditions, riot, war, strikes or other matters beyond his/her control.
• loss, damage or inconvenience caused to or suffered by the TENANT if the apartment is destroyed, or substantially damaged before the start of the rental period. In any such event, the OWNER shall, within 10 days of notification to the TENANT, refund to the TENANT all sums previously paid in respect of the rental period.
12. Under no circumstances shall the OWNER's liability to the TENANT exceed the amount paid to the OWNER for the rental period.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Estonian Republic and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive juridiction of the Harju Maakohus.

 Palun lugege hoolikalt külaliskorteris majutumise tingimusi:

1. Broneerimise kinnitamiseks on vajalik 25% ettemakse (erijuhtudel 100%, palun vaata Availability&booking) laekumine omaniku pangakontole.

2. Broneeringu tühistamise korral on tagasimakse vaid 100% kuni tühistatakse kuni 2 kuud ja 50% kui tühistatakse kuni 1 kuu enne majutumise tähtaega.

3. Kui külaline ei saabu kokkulepitud tähtajal ja ei teata viivitustest 12 tunni jooksul võib omanik majutada teise kliendi lugedes saabumata külalise lepingu lõppenuks

4. Majutuse alguses lepitakse kokku deposiidi maksmises. Deposiidi eesmärgiks on katta külalise tekitaud kulud ja kahjud. Kulude hulka loetakse näiteks ka eripuhastusteenuse tellimise vajadus, kaotatud võtmete tõttu ukseluku vahetamise kulud jms. Soovitav on külalisel teha endale kindlustused vältimaks ettenägematuid kulusid.

5. Majutusperiood algab kl 15.00 ja lõpeb hiljemalt kl 12.00 kui teisiti ei ole kokku lepitud.

6. Majutuda võib vaid broneeringus viidatud arv inimesi. Pidude pidamine külaliskorteris on keelatud. Külaliskorterid on 100% suitsuvabad.

7. Külalised peavad end ülal pidama viisakalt, ja arvestama üldkehtivate avaliku korra  reeglitega. Puhkamise aeg on külaliskorterites  23.00-07.00.

8. Külaline peab omanikule viivitamata teada andma kui külaliskorteris on avarii või muu kiiret reageerimist vajav juhtum.

9. Omanik ei vastuta ajutiste teenuste katkestuste eest, mille käivitumine ei sõltu omanikust, vääramatust jõust tulenevate tagajärgede eest, ega ka isikukahjude eest.Samamoodi ei vastuta omanik külalise ees kui kahju külaliskorterile saabus enne majutusperioodi algust ja sellest kahjust tulenevalt ei saa külaliskorterit kasutada. Omanik tagastab sellisel juhtumil külalise poolt tasutud ettemakse viivitusteta.

10. Omaniku vastutus mis tahes juhtumil ei või ületada majutusperioodi teenustasu.

11. Käesolevast lepingust tulenevaid vaidlusi reguleerib Eesti Vabariigi õigus. Vaidlust arutab Harju Maakohus.


         www kujundamine