This is a 26 sqm studio-apartment with facilities for 2 person/ Stuudiokorter suurusega 26 m2, sofavoodi 2-le, 2 tugitooli ja laud, laiekraan TV 50 kanaliga, riietekapp. Kööginurk sisaldab söögitegemiseks ja söömiseks (külmik, potid, pannid, taldrikud, noad-kahvlid, klaasid jne) vajalikku ja väikest kohvilauda taburettidega.
Livingroom - a sofa-bed for 2 persons, 2 armchairs and a table, colour Flat-screen TV with up to 50 channels and wardrobe
Kitchen – fully equipped including dishes, coffe-machine, cooker, oven, fridge with freezer, hot and cold tap water and table with 2 chairs
Bathroom – WC, washing basin, shower, floor heating
Rental price/maksumus
from 60 euros/ night
alates 60 eurot/öö
Minimum stay/miinimumkohalolek 2 ööd
2 nights
Maximum capacity/mahtuvus 2 inimest
2 people
Refundable deposit (on demand)
100 EUR - to be refunded upon departure and return of the apartment in good condition
Seasonal price adjustments
hooajalised hinnamuutused
from 1st June to 1st Sept and 20th Dec to 10th Jan from 75 euros/night
alates 1. juunist kuni 1. septembrini ja 20. detsembrist kuni 10. jaanuarini alates 75 eurot/öö
Hind sisaldab: voodipesu ja rätikud, külm ja soe vesi, küte, satTV, WIFI, maksud
Prices include:
bed linens and towels
hot and cold water and heating
satellite TV, WIFI